Web Design

The market has an abundance of web design jobs due to the high demand of well-developed websites. if you enjoy coding and have the creativity and technical skills required to create a well-designed website, you can enroll in a web design course. Our aim to start this Web design course at our institute is to produce highly skilled designers as per market demand. If you want to be a top-tier web designer, come to our institute because Prosoft is the best place to learn.

There are countless elements and standards to develop a fully functional website, but appearance, responsiveness, and user-friendliness are the key factors to check the quality of the website. Thus, to achieve the standard of the website, Prosoft Nepal is going to meet the standard of the website as per market demand with the advice of the expert by producing a high number of professionals.

Hence, our course is fully designed according to market demand, where you will learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and the basics of jQuery to develop a responsive, user-friendly, fully functional, and well-crafted website. We offer comprehensive instruction on all principles and components of web design, as well as correct execution.

We have well-trained professionals to nurture your talent, and it is our duty to nourish those who want to learn.

Benefits of learning we designing at Prosoft

·         Interactive classes on regular basis

·         Project which can help you to design website, mock up and template

·         Well experienced professionals

·         Well-designed course to developed your skills.

·         Required materials are available

·         Affordable Cost

1. Website Fundamentals

2. Website Designing

3. Uses of HTML

4. Uses of CSS

5. Uses of Adobe Photoshop

6. Uses of Adobe Dreamweaver

7. Uses of WordPress

8. WordPress Add-Ons

9. Uses of Plugins